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About Me

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Corfu, Greece
Liana Metal lives in Greece, on the island of Corfu. She is an EFL teacher(MAEd -Applied Linguistics), book reviewer and freelance writer. Liana is also an artist. Her drawings/paintings can be found both online at www.aggelia-online.gr and at several shops in Corfu town. To contact the artist visit http://LianaMetal.tripod.com or her blog at http://LianasKerkyra.blogspot.com Η Ηλιάνα Μεταλληνού διδάσκει Αγγλικά στην Κέρκυρα, γράφει άρθρα και ιστορίες για έντυπες και ηλεκτρονικές εκδόσεις σε όλο τον κόσμο και ζωγραφίζει. Μπορείτε να την επισκεφθείτε στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση http://toasprosaligari.blogspot.com και http://www.coffeetimecorfu.com


A book for kids/ 3 stories in English

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The new title

The new book of Vasilis Savvanis Publications comes out soon.
The White Snail.

It caters to young readers and all the family as it addresses issues of self-esteem, racism and people's differences.

More information on the site


Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Editions in Corfu

A new publishing company is going to launch their first book for kids soon.

The aim of this company is to help kids and families in need, so most of the profits from their books or other products will be donated to various non profit organizations that are linked to kids and families.

Their blog is in Greek for the time being, but it will also be in English in due time.

Visit them at support49100.blogspot.com

Everybody can help by buying one of their products.

Paypal option.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Comic Strip

I have created some comic strips for the print local publication, Aggelia Online.
This is one of them. It' s in Greek though.
The title is
Snail Talk (Sally talk - saligari=snail in Greek).

The character, as you can probably see, is a snail, female, called Sally.

Title of story: The confession

1. To tell you the truth...I like LOTTO...
2. The truth is that I like BETTING too...
3. But I also love the roulette. This is the...
4. ...naked truth!

on her shell there is a sign: Confiscated!

More strips next time!