Sunday, December 26, 2010
Follow That Mouse!
Wire Rim Books, www.wirerimbooks.comHutto, Texas
2010, ISBN: 978-0-9802253-7-2
Paperback, pp. 263, USA $ 14.95
Reviewed by Liana Metal
Very Highly Recommended
Henry Melton, author of the Darrel Award-winning Emperor Dad and the Eleanor Cameron/Golden Duck winning Lighter Than Air has, once more, given us an exciting novel for young adults.
Follow That Mouse is about Dot, a young girl, and her home town, and Ned from the next ranch, who get involved in a sudden change of the town. Everybody seems to show signs of irrational rage, even the animals and only the old shaman can offer a solution. Then a strange mouse appears and Dot learns a big secret! What is that secret? What is going to happen?
This book is gripping, simple to read and educational, and offers readers a good enjoyable read. It caters to young adults as all the previous novels written by Henry Melton, but, still it can be read by everyone who loves science fiction, mystery and action. It is available from Ingram and online bookstores. Contact the author at
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Art Gallery activity
On the 4th December, 20 free copies of the children's book THE WHITE SNAIL will be given away to the young participants as a Christmas gift.
Don't miss it!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Art Display
Monday, August 23, 2010
Pauline Hager-author
It is my honour to present a Greek -American author this month.
Pauline Hager is certainly unique in the topics she has chosen and the skilled way she has crafted them. Her latest book,
"Giorgi's Greek Tragedy"
is as captivating as her previous one, a memoir set in Japan. Enjoy!

"Giorgi's Greek Tragedy" tells of The Ottoman Turkish Empire's occupation of Greece from 1453 to 1829. Agents of the sultan's elite Janissary Corps murder Giorgi's parents. Seeking revenge, he joins the outlawed Greek freedom fighters. A tragic tale of his revenge ensues. The setting for this historical novel, 1790-1829, takes place in the rugged mountains of the Peloponnese Peninsula of Southern Greece. Ensconced in deep caves, the fighters live and train to battle the Turks. Far below in the valleys, overtaxed and overworked peasants toil in the fields. The story comprises the lives of three generation of a family and of the cruel treatment inflicted upon them by the Turks. Love of family, love between a man and woman, and Giorgi's love of country are recurring themes in this poignant tale.
Pauline Hager talks to Liana Metal about her first book, Memoirs of an American Housewife in Japan.
L: How and when did you get started as a writer?
P: I started writing short mystery stories when I was about ten or eleven years old. My favorite writer was Caroline Keene, author of the Nancy Drew mystery books. I was so intrigued with her mysteries that I was motivated to write my own stories. Of course, nothing became of them, but the seed was firmly planted in my mind. Almost 50 years later, the dormant seed sprouted and my first book Memoirs of an American Housewife in Japan was published.
L: How do you usually find your ideas?
P: Believe it or not, my best ideas come to me while I’m getting ready for bed. Sometimes when I’m just dropping off to sleep, a sudden thought races through my mind and jolts me awake. I’ve learned to keep paper and pencil by my nightstand.
L: Did you ever get any rejections?
If yes, how did you react to them?
P: Oh, yes, yes, many. At first I felt dejected and depressed. In fact with my first rejection letter, I didn’t know what the publisher meant when he wrote “Sorry, nice writing but your story is not a good fit.” A good fit for what? I wondered. I guess because I’m a Taurus, I kept at it and persevered under the weight of all those rejection slips.
L: Tell us about your books. What was your first one?
P: My

L: What inspired you to write this book?
P: So many friends and relatives asked me “Is Japan as beautiful and mysterious as the travel brochures claim?” The answer is both yes and no. There are so many misconceptions about Japan. I thought I had better set the record straight by writing about my own experiences and let readers decide.
L: How long did it take you to write it?
P: It took me about a year to write the book. I had no notes, no diary, nor letters sent home to remind me. The experiences just kept popping in my mind, and at times it seemed like I couldn’t type fast enough to get them on paper, so to speak. It was like reliving my life in Japan all over again. Strangely enough I don’t think I could write that book today. After ten years, the memory is fading, but not forgotten.
L: What are the major challenges that you have faced in your career?
P: My main challenge now is to convince American publishers that the readership in this country would accept a historical novel about Greek freedom fighters fighting against the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Turks occupied Greece for four hundred years. I’ve had several agents and publishers write and say that frankly they’re not interested in the subject matter and it would be a hard sell. Since I’m a stubborn Taurus, I refuse to give up.
L: Has the Internet helped you in your writing career?
P: The Internet has been a great source of information for my project. It saves me precious time from having to go to the library or to a bookstore; not that I haven’t done both. I’ve also meet on-line some knowledgeable people who have been very helpful and encouraging.
L: What do you advise new writers to do?
P: Write as often as you can, preferably every day even if it’s just a few lines. Those few sentences eventually add up into a best seller. I also find it helpful to read all kinds of genres regardless of their subject. When you’re not writing, read. Find an author whom you admire. Don’t copy her, but learn from her style, be yourself and write. Join a reading group or subscribe to a literary magazine. I can never emphasize enough to write, write, write and to read, read, read. If you find that enjoyable and rewarding, then you know you want to be a writer.
Good luck Pauline!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Brian's watercolors
and Maria Melenti, the Head of the Public Art Gallery of Corfu town.
Brian, who is from UK, is a permanent resident of Corfu and an expert in watercolor. His latest art display took place at Art Cafe last month and was a great success.

The artist loves this theme.

A Corfiot old woman...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Henry Melton's latest novel!
Pixie Dust
Henry Melton
Wire Rim Books,
Paperback, pp.346, US $14.95
Science Fiction/children
Very Highly Recommended
Reviewed by Liana Metal
Henry Melton’s latest novel is no less exciting than all his previous ones! Focused on believable scientific issues, this story is a gripping read for all the family. Learn more about the author’s work at
Pixie Dust is the story of Jenny Quinn, a graduate student who takes part in a disastrous lab experiment. To make matters worse, her professor gets killed unexpectedly just after this, leaving Jenny disorientated. What’s more, she has to cope with a strange change in her own body. But Jenny is determined to solve this mystery before she ends up getting killed too. Will she succeed?
The first chapter of this novel is extremely captivating, increasing the adrenaline level of the reader as they try to understand and then ‘see’ the result of the lab experiment. The scenes move rapidly as if in a movie, making the reader turn the pages eagerly to see what’s next! The characters are quite believable and real and the dialogue, fresh and modern. There is a lot of mystery and suspense, subtle romance and casual lifestyle description. The author’s descriptions are never boring to read, as his writing is concise and focused mainly on facts and action. These are elements that both teenagers and adults may appreciate!
To sum up, Pixie Dust is an interesting and exciting read that will entertain the whole family as well as educate it. It is the latest of Henry’s work that shows clearly his constant development as a science fiction writer. The more he writes the more exciting his work becomes! Henry is a prolific writer full of scientific concepts that are appealing to everybody-after all, who is Not interested in the future? It may be categorized as science fiction, but to me it is pure science, and it is worthwhile reading it!
It’s a great book and you can get it from and all online stores.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Book presentation in Corfu

Mrs Zaharopoulou presents on Corfu channel
4-6 Greek time
the children's book
by Iliana Metallinou
as well as her other writing and art work.
You can also watch it live here (in Greek!)
Friday, May 7, 2010
Meet Kari Wolfe!

Kari Wolfe is a writer and a blogger at Imperfect Clarity ( in whatever time is left over from being a stay-at-home-mom to a very precocious and energetic three-year old. She blogs on a number of topics including writing, book reviews, interviews, and setting and meeting goals.
Currently, she is on a mission: to combine fiction writing articles with and articles on how she’s trying to live her life to the fullest and she’s going to bring you on that journey with her through her blog.
Here's an exciting interview with Kari to know all about her and her books.
Hi Kari, tell us a little bit about your background.
Well, I’m originally from Huntington, West Virginia, and currently live in Colorado Springs, CO. Before moving to Colorado, I received my bachelor’s degree in science, majoring in physics and mathematics from Marshall University in my home town.
It’s always been my dream to write. And, by dream, I mean I have written my entire life but always have been told that I should do something else.
That and I’ve had setbacks, mostly in school.
During middle school, I wrote erotica—not the most appropriate topic for a pre-teen—and my writing was confiscated by the guidance counselor who pulled me into her office for a good talking to. I don’t remember what she said but I remember the embarrassment I felt. I don’t write erotica anymore.
In high school, I co-wrote a book with my best friend, Mikie—my character would flirt with his character, his character would tell mine no and that we were just really good friends, etc. So on and so forth.
As an adult, I kept a journal that was used against me by an ex-boyfriend who threw anything negative I wrote about him in my face. Same guy who would take me to a secluded spot, make me feel guilty for whatever he was upset at me about and once I cried, he’d take me home.
When I married my husband, it took me a while to finally realize that I was safe. If I didn’t want anyone to read my writing—regardless of what it was—no one would. He wouldn’t go through what I’d written without my permission. I participated in NaNoWriMo in 2008 and, with his encouragement, I won.
For my blog, Imperfect Clarity, I’ve interviewed some awesome people: Seth Godin, Peter Straub, Conrad Williams, Christopher Moore, Les Edgerton and more.
Tell us about your current book. Give a short summary and also how you got the idea for this book.
Realizing there is more than to life than observation, a voyeur kidnaps a struggling stay-at-home mother and her children only to fight the trapped evil spirit of the house they are hiding in through his possessed partner-in-crime.
For this work, I combined several different ideas.
First, the newest Tool album has a song called “Vicarious” about how some people watch the news and the worse the news is, the better they like it. The idea is they are “living vicariously through the eyes of others,” a phrase criminologist Jack Levin used in a personal conversation with me about why people are so fascinated with the idea of serial killers. The song reminded me of our conversation which gave me Jake, the story’s protagonist.
Second, I wanted to try my hand at a novel about a haunted house. Easy as that. As to what the house actually does… I took a subject I was interested in, memory, and started asking myself questions about what I could do with that subject.
Last, the overall theme of the story is forgiveness of self. It probably took longer to come up with the overall theme than anything else. Plotting out the book’s main points and what I definitely wanted to have happen helped a lot in discovering this.
What is a typical writing day like for you?
I have a three-year-old daughter who is autistic, so in some ways, I really don’t feel like I ever have a typical day. On Monday and Wednesdays, she goes to preschool and, after my own physical therapy, I have an hour before picking her up. Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have hippotherapy and speech therapy.
Fortunately she takes a nap most afternoons—or, at least, I’ve instituted a rule of quiet time where she plays in her room. This is when I do most of my writing.
After Natasha goes to bed, I have some time available then, but I use it for reading and relaxing mostly. My husband is home, so it’s more difficult for me to concentrate on writing fiction.
What do you enjoy most about writing?
I love to talk. You can ask my husband ;)
Seriously, I love to create. I love to come up with an idea and to work it out on the page. Recently, I’ve been inundated with new ideas and I keep jotting them down. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to get to them all! J
What is the most difficult part of writing?
Sometimes it’s just DOING it. I freewrite, to get my hands flowing across the keyboard and to kickstart my brain.
Sometimes it’s just time—there are days I have no energy to focus on fiction and I only focus on nonfiction, blog entries, that type of thing.
And sometimes it’s focusing on the here and now. Daydreaming about having your books in bookstores and name on the publishing lists is great—but you have to do the work first.
Do you have a website?
Yes, Imperfect Clarity at
From the About Me page: (
Imperfect Clarity is a detailed look at the thought processes of a fiction writer trying to improve her life and become successful by living her life to the fullest.
The idea here is to combine fiction writing articles with my own fiction and articles on how I’m trying to live my life to the fullest that I can. I am learning how to do this not only from different websites I have found talking about motivation but also by actually DOING these things I talk about.
I’m in the process of branding it and hopefully will be able to institute those changes within the next month. I’m really excited about it.
You can sign up to receive Imperfect Clarity both through email ( as well as through your favorite RSS reader (
What are you working on right now?
Including The House (my fictional work-in-progress), I am currently working on a four or five-post series for my blog about resistance and procrastination. I have several nonfiction ebooks in the works as well as a guest posting position.
Thank you, Kari, for sharing all this interesting information with us!
And Good luck to your life journey!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Painting exhibition
Friday, April 9, 2010
Meet Helena Harper!

Image created by Kimberly Dawn Sanders.
Spread wide your armsand let the wings unfurl,soar into your essence of light,cradled by the loving energyrippling through the river of the universe,
weaving through the tapestry of time...And feel the freedom of your soul...
Copyright © 2009 Helena Harper

Eyes lasering in on the ball,
top spin,
side spin,
no spin?
Legs running,
feet jumping,
toes tripping,
arms swinging,
heart pumping,
blood rushing,
lungs bursting,
mouth gasping,
cheeks blazing,
sweat pouring,
ball hitting,
ball missing,
ball in,
ball out,
hands clapping,
mouths shouting,
tongues cursing,
lips screaming,
racquets throwing,
movement thrilling,
endorphins fizzing,
exuberance peaking,
exhaustion winning,
eyes glowing.
Copyright © Helena Harper

Thank heavens for the wonderful child remote!
Children laughing,
frazzled mother
Children screaming,

frazzled mother
Children shouting,
frazzled mother
Where is it?
Can't find it?
Ah, got it!
Mute button pressed...
Ah, what quiet!
What bliss!
Did someone say
'Silence is golden'?
What a truly marvellous quote...
Thank heavens
for the wonderful child remote!
Copyright © Helena Harper
Helena is running a contest on her Facebook fan page and all you have to do to enter is leave a comment on the page ("Hi, Helena!" is enough). Each week a free ecopy of "It's a Teacher's Life...!" will be sent to one of the commenters. If you're not successful one week, just leave a comment the next for another chance to win - it's that simple! This is the link:
Thanks very much!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Orange County Christian Writers Conference -- May 1, 2010
Call for Submissions
April 1 is the Deadline for
WestBow Press Writing Contest
Beverly Bush Aspiring Writer Award
At the OC Christian Writers Conference on May 1, 2010, deserving writers will win several awards. Check the deadlines for submission.
Christian Manuscript Submission
Awards -- Drawings -- Deadlines
WestBow Writing Contest -- Winner will received a Bookstore Advantage Publishing Package. Submissions must be postmarked by April 1.
Beverly Bush Smith Aspiring Writer Award -- Wiinner will be recognized for their excellence and receive a cash prize. Submissions must be postmarked by April 1. -- Two subscriptions for their submission service will be awarded by drawing to everyone signing up by March 31, 2010.
Logos Bible Software -- Win a Leaders Library valued at $320.
Drawing will include every one signed up by April 25, 2010.
See for more details.
The OC Christian Writers Conference is now in its 26th year and will host a wide variety of editors, authors and literary agents. With three keynote talks and twenty-four different workshops to choose from, it's one of the best one-day writers conferences in California. For more information go to
REQUIREMENTS: To win any of the prizes offered at the OC Christian Writers Conference just register for the conference, submit manuscripts according to the rules stated on the website, and be present at the event on Saturday, May 1, 2010 at Mariners Church in Irvine, California.
For information:
John DeSimone
Conference Director
Orange County Christian Writers Conference
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Sorcerer’s Secrets

The Sorcerer’s Secrets
Strategies in Practical Magick
Jason Miller
New Page Books,
ISBN: 978-1-60163-059-9
Paperback, pp. 224, US $ 10.87
Non fiction/ spiritual/occult/magic
Reviewed by Liana Metal
Jason Miller has been studying magic for the last 20 years and in this book he tries to offer readers practical magic to change the real world. Visit him at
The Sorcerer’s Secrets is a guide book that can ‘change the readers’ life for the better’ the author claims. “Magick should be used for spiritual evolution and mystical insight” Jason says on page 9. The readers can learn all about Meditation on page 46 and find the chapter about Love and Lust quite interesting. The author even teaches how to use magic to attract a mate, and the chapter about Meditation and Healing is nevertheless very interesting to read.
This book is easy to read and is enhanced by occult sketches by the illustrator Matthew Brownlee who is an occultist. You can visit him at
It caters to those who love spiritual and occult themes and those who wish to study magic. Get this book from or
Read another book review here
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Here's Magdalena Ball!
Enjoy her interview!
Interview with Magdalena Ball , the author of
Repulsion Thrust
Tell us about yourself first.
That's rather an open ended question! I could define myself any number of ways, but I'll focus on my publications here -- I run the website The Compulsive Reader (, and am also the author of the poetry book Repulsion Thrust, the novel Sleep Before Evening, a nonfiction book The Art of Assessment: How to Review Anything and three other poetry chapbooks Quark Soup, and, in collaboration with Carolyn Howard-Johnson, Cherished Pulse and She Wore Emerald Then. She also runs a radio show, The Compulsive Reader Talks. Of course I'm other things too! I'm a mother to 3 gorgeous children, I'm a wife, I'm an information manager for a big company, I'm doing a Masters degree in Marketing, I'm working on another novel and a few other poetry books. I'll stop there, although I could probably keep going!
When did you start writing?
Around about the same time I started reading -- somewhere between 3 and 4. Writing is something that has always been with me. I think I wrote my first story when I was little and just kept doing it. I only really began to get quite serious and send out work when I was an older teen and then stopped for some time under the spell of academia. I picked it up again seriously just after my first child was born, some 13 years ago, when I decided that bits and pieces wouldn't satisfy me -- I needed full scale books in hand.
What genres have you written?
I tend to write in lots of different genres, but definitely prefer literary fiction (as a reader as well as a writer) when I'm writing fiction, and poetry will always be my first love (there are those who have classed my poetry as 'sci-fi' poetry, and although I think that's probably not true, there is plenty of science in my work, and I welcome all readers and all promotional opportunities, so am happy enough with the classification. For nonfiction, I probably would be comfortable writing in any genre at all.
Is Repulsion Thrust your first book?
Repulsion Thrust is my first full length book of poetry. I've had other chapbooks (short poetry books) published, and a novel and nonfiction book (see "tell us about yourself" above), but I have to admit, it's always exciting to hold a full length, traditionally published book in the hand.
Tell us about your book. What is it about?
Repulsion Thrust is a poetry book that tends to tackle big subjects not often the fodder of poetry: quantum physics, astronomy, time travel, ecological destruction, and technological singularity, vi

What inspired you to write this book?
I've always wanted to write a full length poetry collection. I was inspired by the success of my novel Sleep Before Evening, and felt it was time to plot out a full scale poetry book, but each individual poem was inspired by all sorts of things, from the news, to a plethora of great books I'd read, to New Scientist. I think the biggest influences/sources of inspiration were, aside from emotional responses, the work of Stephen Hawking, the work of Richard Dawkins, the work of Ray Kurzweil, and the work of Charles Darwin. I thanked all of these people in my acknowledgements, and Kurzweil even endorsed the book (much to my delight), but there were many other sources of inspiration, including, of course, my own family.
How long did it take you to write it?
About a year, which is relatively quick for me. I take much longer (about 3 years) for fiction.
Who is the publisher of your book?
Bewrite Books at They're utterly wonderful and also published my novel Sleep Before Evening.
Where is it on sale?
Good bookstores everywhere! But those reading this can go directly to Amazon: or to Smashbooks at:
Tell us about your other books/work.
Sleep Before Evening is a coming of age novel about a teenager teetering at the edge of reason. A death in the family sends her brilliant academic career and promising future spiraling out of control until resentment towards those who shaped her past leads her on a wild and desperate search for the truth about herself. On the seedy side of New York, she meets Miles, a hip musician busking the streets and playing low-rent venues in a muddled bid to make his own dreams come true. In her new life, she finds anarchic squalor, home grown music and poetry, booze, drugs, sex, violence, love, loss … and, above all, exhilarating freedom on her troubled journey from sleep to awakening.
Quark Soup is also poetry, which, as the title suggests, has a strong astrophysical theme.
The Art of Assessment is a guide to book reviewing.
The Celebration Series of chapbooks is my collaboration with Carolyn Howard-Johnson that looks at specific holidays and provides chapbooks designed to replace a greeting card - providing real poetic sentiment. More can be found at my website:
What are the major challenges that you have faced in your career? Time is always an issue for me. I try to squeeze so much into each day, but it isn't always possible to get to everything on my list! Making time for the big, longer term projects amidst the everyday urgencies is definitely my biggest challenge.
Has the Internet helped you in your writing career?
I really cannot imagine working without the Internet anymore. It colours everything I do, from providing me with an accessible, global, working community of readers and writers, to providing promotional platforms, social networking, writing challenges, and even changing the notion of the way a book works (with multimedia, electronics, and so on). Of course great words haven't changed a bit since the pen and ink (or quill) days, but the ability to work in a global, rather than a small scale regional venue is wonderful.
What do you advise new writers to do?
To keep writing of course (BOS - bum on seat), but also to read a lot of what you want to write, to keep raising the bar on yourself, and to continue to grow as a writer, trying new things and working to find the words to say what you want to. Never be satisfied with the easy cliche - always go deeper.
Thank you!
Tour with VBT-Writers on the Move through February. New and famous authors, plus useful information
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My Father's Dream Wasn't My own-a review
Jeanette Hewitt-Bailey
2009, ISBN: 978-1-4327-2397-2,
paperback, pp. 260, US $ 21.95
Jeanette Hewitt-Bailey lives in Lakeland Florida. More information at
This story is about the life of a girl, George-Ann, who was controlled by her father, Sam. She had to grow up in her father's shadow, and was denied a personal life though she craved for freedom and the chance to develop her own character.
The novel is exceptionally gripping and the readers will be amazed at the turn of events as they unfold. Filled with all kinds of emotion, the author manages to capture the inner feelings of the characters very skillfully thus creating real to life situations throughout the plot. It caters to all romance lovers and is available at
and other online stores.
Henry Melton's latest novel
Golden Girl
Henry Melton
Wire Rim Books, Hutto, Texas, 2009,
ISBN: 978-0-9802253-5-8
paperback, pp. 276, US $ 14.95
Science Fiction/young adults
Henry Melton has released his latest novel, Golden Girl, to amaze readers once more. His work can be found at
Golden Girl is about a girl, Debra, who was thrust into the past and then into the future thus experiencing time travel in order to save the planet. Divided into three parts, this novel is nevertheless as amazing as all the previous works of the author. Filled with scientific facts and interesting details, Golden Girl is another science fiction story that will grip the interest of the reader and carry it through to the very last page. Written in a simple and clear style it caters to all young adults and adults who love science fiction. It is an exciting read for the whole family. Get this book from
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Meet Debra Eckerling
This year starts with the presentation of a talented
I am sure you will be delighted to learn about her!
Interview with Debra Eckerling, the leader of Write On! (
Tell us about yourself first.
I am a freelance lifestyle and entertainment writer who developed a niche in writing about writers. I moved to LA from the Chicago suburbs 12 years ago, and freelanced while working fulltime until two years ago when I went out on my own. Some of my “day jobs” included Community Relations Coordinator for Barnes & Noble, Production Editor at Publications International, Ltd., and Director of Communications for an executive benefits company.
I have been leading a writers support group for the last eight years, and have a writers website – I also host workshops in addition to freelance writing, editing, and coaching.
When did you start writing?
Like most writers, I developed a love of writing from the moment I learned to write in grade school. In high school, I did a lot of essays and creative writing, and even had a poem in the high school literary journal (which I find extremely funny since poetry is the one thing a do not do now). I graduated with a degree in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and freelanced for one of the college papers. I also was an award-winning public speaker on the nationally ranked Forensics team. Participating on the team involved a lot of writing and peer-coaching.
What types of writing do you do?
My writing includes non-fiction articles, essays, and corporate communications. In addition to the content for my website – – I edit the eZines for The Writers Store and
I have also written four screenplays and participated in/completed National Novel Writing Month for the first time last November. I am currently working on a non-fiction book on writing and am planning to participate in NaNoWriMo again this year, as well as it’s sister-group ScriptFrenzy, which encourages people to write a screenplay in a month. That takes place in April.
Tell us about Write On! What is it about?
Write On! is the writers support group I have been leading in Santa Monica for the last eight years. We focus on goal-setting, productivity, and accountability, as well as networking with light critique. Whereas most writing groups cater to a specific type of writer, Write On! is open to writers in all areas, mediums, and levels of experience. Most writers create in more than one medium. Plus, all writers need people who understand them to cheer them on.
I launched the dedicated website – – about a year and a half ago. People would move out of town and want to stay involved, have a place to post their goals, and stay in touch with the community. I also met a lot of people from other states and other countries, who liked the idea of the writers support group and wanted to participate.
Over the last year and a half, Write On! Online has developed into an informative website and community. We have Author Q&As twice a week, Expert columns every Thursday, and a drawing for po

What inspired you to create this?
I was the Community Relations Coordinator for Barnes & Noble in Schaumburg, Illinois, and, whenever I was at a loss for events, I would sit in the café and talk to our customers. One day, someone asked if I would start a writers support group at the store. I thought it sounded like a good idea, and decided to try it out. It was quite a success. As a bonus, I started writing essays as my goals for the meetings – I don’t believe in bugging people to set goals unless I intend on setting them myself. When a freelance opportunity came up, I had writing samples ready to go.
I re-launched the group in Los Angeles in 2002.
Where is it online?
The website is, and the Facebook page is
Tell us about your other work.
In addition to my niche of writing about writers –, as well as editing the eZines for The Writers Store and – I love to teach and I love to talk. I lead workshops on topics such as Breaking through Writers Block and Marketing through Blogging and Social Networking. My next class is Goal Setting & Productivity on January 30 at The Writers Store in Westwood, CA. Details here:
Has the Internet helped you in your writing career? How?
Yes. The internet is awesome. Really the best tool for education, networking, and self-promotion. It has helped me expand my reach to writers, and allowed me to assist authors in increasing their visibility – and share information – through interviews on my website.
Authors need a platform. – and there is no better, far-reaching platform than the Internet.
What do you advise new writers to do?
Start by journaling. Write what’s happening in your life, feelings, observations, unique characters you encounter, and ideas. It’s great practice for developing style and tone, and there’s plenty of material to write about. Writing is exercise: the more you do it, the more skilled you become.
Thanks Debra for being with us!
Good luck!
Monday, January 4, 2010
January 2010 VBT tour
2 | Dianne Sagan | Kevin McNamee | /www.diannesagan |
3 | Harry Gilleland | Maggie Ball | /harrygillelandw |
4 | Karen Cioffi | Lea Schizas | /karenandrobyn. |
5 | Kathy Stemke | Heidi Thomas | /educationtipste |
6 | Lea Schizas | Martha Swirzinski | /thewritingjungl |
7 | Vivian Zabel | Liana Metal | /vivianzabel. |
8 | Nancy Famolari | Margaret Fieland | /nancygfamolari. |
9 | Elysabeth Eldering | Mayra Calvani | /jgdsseries. |
10 | Katie Hines | Elysabeth Eldering | /katiehines. |
11 | Helena Harper | Dana Donavan | /helenaharpersbl |
12 | Liana Metal | Debra Eckerling | /lianastories. |
13 | Carolyn Howard-Johnson | Dianne Sagan | /sharingwithwrit |
14 | Gayle Trent | Helena Harper | /www.gayletrent. |
15 | Mayra Calvani | Stephen Tremp | /mayrassecretboo |
16 | Marvin Wilson | Linda Asato | /theoldsilly. |
17 | Linda Asato | Kathy Stemke | /lindaswritingde |
18 | Stephen Tremp | Katie Hines | /stephentremp. |
19 | Margaret Fieland | Karen Cioffi | /www.margaretfie |
20 | Darcia Helle | Harry Gilleland | /quietfurybooks. |
21 | Marth Swirzinski | Jane Sutton | /wholechildpubli |
22 | Heidi Thomas | Darcia Helle | /heidiwriter. |
23 | Jane Sutton | Nancy Famolari | /janekennedysutt |
24 | Dana Donovan | Linda Suzane | /www.danadonovan |
25 | Dallas Woodburn | Marvin Wilson | /dallaswoodburn. |
26 | Linda Suzane | Dallas Woodburn | /journeybestsell |
27 | Debra Eckerling | Vivian Zabel | /writeononline. |
28 | Heather Paye | Gayle Trent | /heatherpaye. |
29 | Maggie Ball | Carolyn Howard-Johnson | /magdalenaball. |
30 | Kevin McNamee | Heather Paye | /kevinmcnameechi |