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Corfu, Greece
Liana Metal lives in Greece, on the island of Corfu. She is an EFL teacher(MAEd -Applied Linguistics), book reviewer and freelance writer. Liana is also an artist. Her drawings/paintings can be found both online at www.aggelia-online.gr and at several shops in Corfu town. To contact the artist visit http://LianaMetal.tripod.com or her blog at http://LianasKerkyra.blogspot.com Η Ηλιάνα Μεταλληνού διδάσκει Αγγλικά στην Κέρκυρα, γράφει άρθρα και ιστορίες για έντυπες και ηλεκτρονικές εκδόσεις σε όλο τον κόσμο και ζωγραφίζει. Μπορείτε να την επισκεφθείτε στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση http://toasprosaligari.blogspot.com και http://www.coffeetimecorfu.com


A book for kids/ 3 stories in English

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Preveza Cultural Centre

Date: 19-25 June

Title: Greek Nature

Iliana Metallinou

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Henry Melton's latest novel!

Pixie Dust

Henry Melton

Wire Rim Books, www.wirerimbooks.com

Hutto, Texas, 2010, ISBN 978-0-9802253-8-9

Paperback, pp.346, US $14.95

Science Fiction/children

Very Highly Recommended

Reviewed by Liana Metal


Henry Melton’s latest novel is no less exciting than all his previous ones! Focused on believable scientific issues, this story is a gripping read for all the family. Learn more about the author’s work at http://HenryMelton.com

Pixie Dust is the story of Jenny Quinn, a graduate student who takes part in a disastrous lab experiment. To make matters worse, her professor gets killed unexpectedly just after this, leaving Jenny disorientated. What’s more, she has to cope with a strange change in her own body. But Jenny is determined to solve this mystery before she ends up getting killed too. Will she succeed?

The first chapter of this novel is extremely captivating, increasing the adrenaline level of the reader as they try to understand and then ‘see’ the result of the lab experiment. The scenes move rapidly as if in a movie, making the reader turn the pages eagerly to see what’s next! The characters are quite believable and real and the dialogue, fresh and modern. There is a lot of mystery and suspense, subtle romance and casual lifestyle description. The author’s descriptions are never boring to read, as his writing is concise and focused mainly on facts and action. These are elements that both teenagers and adults may appreciate!

To sum up, Pixie Dust is an interesting and exciting read that will entertain the whole family as well as educate it. It is the latest of Henry’s work that shows clearly his constant development as a science fiction writer. The more he writes the more exciting his work becomes! Henry is a prolific writer full of scientific concepts that are appealing to everybody-after all, who is Not interested in the future? It may be categorized as science fiction, but to me it is pure science, and it is worthwhile reading it!

It’s a great book and you can get it from www.wirerimbooks.com and all online stores.